About Me

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I am a translator and interpreter for English, French and Spanish and an ESP/EFL teacher as well. I teach at the Social Communication School at the Central University of Venezuela. Currently, I am doing a master’s program in Teaching of English as a Foreign Language, which has been helping me to improve and complete my expertise on the teaching of second languages. I have taught English and French for eleven years now and I have worked with students of all different ages, meeting their needs on areas such as speaking, reading, listening and writing. I also teach private sessions for professionals who need to learn or improve their language level. Nowadays, most of my students are doctors and engineers who want to develop their skills to keep updated with their fields. I also translate a variety of texts for individuals and companies which require the service.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

12. E-assessment

During this session, Professor Izquierdo started establishing the difference between assessment and evaluation. The second is related to the process of correcting and assigning a mark after the complication of tests, tasks, homework or any other learning activity. On the other hand, assessment is a broader concept which encompasses “the gathering of evidence of student performance over a period of time to measure learning and understanding” (2009). Since this is an ICT class and the uses of ICTs in any class also require the process assessing and evaluation, it is imperative to know what e-assessment is all about.
In her opinion, e-assessment is also the gathering of data about students’ performance over a period of time, but through the use of information technologies and tools. This could vary from an on-screen test to the simple use of a computer application.
By doing a simple research on goggle about e-assessment, it is amazing how big corporations have based their internal assessment on e-tools because they are more accurate, less time consuming and simpler. Pedagogically speaking, I think that e-assessment is becoming more frequently used for the same reasons and the ESL teaching/learning process must keep up with the advances of the world to make it more accessible and entertaining.

However, we are still on the process of establishing such interesting tools in our institutions and nowadays disadvantages must be taken into consideration. According to McCormack and Jones (1998), some of these limitations are:

  1. the high cost for the implementation of systems,
  2. the need to set good objectives for tests, which requires certain computer skills,
  3. the establishment of a right protocol to monitor hardware and software,
  4. the need of training an important amount of assessors and invigilators in assessment design IT skills and examination management and
  5. the high level of organization across all parties involved in assessment (academics, support, staff, computer services, administrators).

In my opinion, all theses disadvantages can be easily overcome with time, but meanwhile we teachers must start using these incredible tools so future does not seem so far.



  1. It is true what you say about big corporations and e-assessment. And I also think we all should use these tools to enjoy the future now!

  2. Dear Beatriz,
    It's true when you mention that e-Assessment can be a deal for big corporations. It involves a high investement in infrastructure and staff trained in that area, but it can be perfectly carried out by a single teacher or a group of teachers who manage technology and control the different variables that may arise in the assessing process. I think both contexts are possible; however, in both cases, the key factors to succeed are validy and reliability.
